School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.
Our vision, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you” motivates us to use our
values in all aspects of our life. All of our policies have been written, reviewed, and applied with our values of
Courage, Perseverance, and Respect at their heart.
St Michael's C E Primary - School Level Policies and Procedures
- Access Plan
- Admissions Policy 25-26
- Admissions Policy 26-27
- Admissions Policy (Nursery Class)
- Anti-bullying Policy
- Assessment Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Behaviour Policy
- Behaviour Consequences
- Code of Conduct for Staff
- Collective Worship Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Equality Policy and Objectives
- Online Safety
- RE Policy
- Safeguarding Policy
Abingdon Learning Trust Statutory Policies
St Michael's C E Primary School is part of the Abingdon Learning Trust and the following statutory policies are managed centrally.
They can be accessed on the Abingdon Learning Trust website in their Policies section.
- Charging and remissions policy
- Data security breach incident management procedure
- GDPR and Data Protection policy
- Health & Safety policy
- LGPS Employer discretion policy
- LGPS participating employer personal data retention policy
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions
- Trust code of conduct for parents, carers, visitors and contractors
- Trust model complaints policy and procedure
- Trust policy for managing serial and unreasonable complaints
- Trust SEND policy
- Trustee Local Academy Committee allowances policy
- Whistleblowing policy and procedure
E-Safety at St Michael's
At St Michael’s C E Primary School we recognise that the education of pupils in e-safety is an essential part of the school’s provision. Children and young people need the help and support of the school to recognise and avoid e-safety risks and build their resilience. E-safety not only includes Internet technologies but also electronic communications via mobile phones, games consoles and wireless technology.
We have an e-safety policy and procedures in place for recording and investigating any incidents that might arise. The children are taught t e-safety issues through the curriculum.
Please find below some links and guidance for parents and carers to help their children stay safe:
Oxfordshire County Council E-Safety Advice website.
Childnet international: Where parents and carers can find all the information they need to keep their child safe.
Thinkuknow.co.uk Parents guide to Whatsapp, ooVoo, Instagram and Kik
NSPCC Net aware a guide to the social networks your children use
UK Safer Internet Centre has information, advice and resources on all e-topics:
Parentport helps you report unsuitable e-content, including advertising and games.
Know the Net for advice, quizzes, tests, oe etiquette, password advice, and more
CEOP is where adults or children can report actual or attempted abuse:
Internet Matters help for parents on how to keep their children safe
www.internet matters.org
Parentzone help for parents on how to keep their children safe
Commonsensemedia Independent reviews, age ratings, & other information on all types of media for children and their parents
South West Grid for Learning: a not-for-profit charitable trust, providing a wide range of products, services and solutions designed specifically for education. swgfl.org.uk
Oe Compass, a free an oe safety self-review tool www.oecompass.org.uk