Our Curriculum
Curriculum Intent
The curriculum at St Michael’s is broad, balanced and ambitious. It is designed to: recognise children’s prior learning, provide first-hand learning experiences, allow the children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers alongside reflecting their backgrounds, our community and the ever-changing world in which they are growing up. Our vision and values are the golden thread that run through all aspects of our curriculum.
Every child is recognised as a unique individual. We celebrate and welcome differences within our whole school community. The ability to learn is underpinned by strong relationships, the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and our values of Respect, Courage and Perseverance. We provide enhancement opportunities to engage learning and believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives where there are no limits to curiosity and there is a thirst for new experiences and knowledge.
At St Michael’s we have a curriculum that strives to create children who:
- Are respectful, thoughtful, helpful and polite
- Are individuals
- Have independence and the courage to persevere
- Question why and how
- Are brave, happy and hardworking
- Who are curious and find joy in learning
- Are able to work collaboratively
Curriculum Implementation
The following key strategies and organisational methods are used to help us deliver our broad and balanced curriculum:
- Regular celebration of achievements both in school and outside of school.
- Balance of teacher led and child led learning sessions promoting creative freedom and individual interests.
- Robust phonics teaching across EYFS and Key Stage 1
- Adaptive teaching ensuring all children, regardless of ability, learn what they need when they need it
- Vulnerable children's learning needs are met in an inclusive and supportive environment
- Strong Values running through all we do, reflecting our Christian Distinctiveness
- Talk for Writing and Storytelling strategies are used to explore a range of key texts and provide scaffolding for independent writing
- Collaborative learning strategies e.g. Learning Partners & Think Pair Share - where children work together to solve a problem or answer a question.
- Cross curricular – Themes allow children to develop and embed knowledge and skills for future learning
- RE is taught through a blended approach using Discovery RE and ODBE Agreed Syllabus
- PE is taught using the Get Set 4 PE Scheme to ensure high quality PE is taught across the school
- Music is taught using the Kapow Scheme to ensure high quality music is taught across the school
- Assessment for Learning (AfL) is used to embed and use knowledge and skills fluently, check understanding and inform future teaching.
- Live marking - to ensure real time feedback whist is relevant to the children in the moment
- Forest School – team work, resilience, problem solving are promoted through learning in the Forest. Learning is active and first hand, children go out in all seasons in all weathers in order to experience how nature is changing over the year. This promotes physical and mental health.
- Partnership with Parents – engaging them in their children’s learning through interim reports, sharing outcomes of topic work either through in school visits or through the school newsletter.
Curriculum Impact
2023/2024 Curriculum Overview